Corporate Team

Founder & president of MedTRACC, Chuck has over two decades of experience in the medical industry. Beginning in orthopedic sales, and for the last 17 years, owner and CEO of a succesful DME company, he is a seasoned veteran of the healthcare marketplace. He also holds a US patent for his design of specialized medical equipment. Early in his career, Chuck developed and published a business technology magazine.

Principal & vice president of MedTRACC, Chad first joined the team six years ago in a product development capacity. During this time, he has also served as VP of sales for a regional durable medical equipment company located in Birmingham, Alabama. Chad calls on hospitals, SNF’s, and VA systems throughout the southeast.

A registered RN, WOCN, and graduate of the prestigious Emory Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Education Program, Jeanenne was first drawn to wound care as an ICU nurse at UAB Hospital in Birmingham, AL, in the late 1980’s. She fought each day to prevent open heart patients, who were high risk, from acquiring pressure ulcers. Today she continues the fight against wounds with her private consulting company, which provides on-site wound care nursing services to acute care and SNF's.

John brings more than 20 years of entrepreneurial experience in areas ranging from software development and distribution to international sales. As Territory Manager for Epicor, a $1B enterprise resource planning software firm, he was responsible for managing all phases of the sales process for their flagship ERP software throughout the United States. Located in Los Angeles, John manages our west coast region.