MedTRACC Salutes NALTH Leadership

It's a tough and often thankless job, providing long term acute care for those in need. But it's a job that must be done, and done right, in order to ensure that healing is available and affordable for people in need.
So, I take this opportunity to commend all of you, who labor long hours, within a constant matrix of stressful situations, to help bring healing outcomes for the individuals in your care.
NALTH is an organization that particularly embodies this ideal. I'm looking forward to meeting with many of you next week, in DC, as we attend the fall leadership conference.
Not only does NALTH represent your interests on legislative, regulatory, policy, and industry issues, in DC, and far beyond, it also leads efforts to develop strategies that will promote the best interests of long-term patients.
When it comes to research and educational outreach, NALTH is unsurpassed in the industry and it offers the ideal platform for networking, collaboration and information sharing between dedicated professionals.
In addition to hearing great speakers and participating in informative sessions, I hope you'll make time to visit with me in the MedTRACC booth between breaks. We're a proud sponsor of this great event and I'm excited to demonstrate what our software can do for you. (We cut our teeth in LTACHs.)
You can use the button above to sign up for a ten-minute demo and receive a nice gift for your time. I look forward to meeting with you.